Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

2 Universities

10 Courses

2 Subjects

4.3 article Critique

4.3 article Critique

Q Instructions Read the journal article, Kattan, M., & Fox, T. (2014) A Study of personality and leadership styles among members of a rock band. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communication, and Conflict. (18) (2) p.105-123 and critique the study by responding to the following questions. Why did the authors believe members of a rock band were appropriate participants in a study of personality and leadership styles? What argument did the authors present about leadership? How was the argument supported? Do you agree or disagree that personality is strongly connected to a leader’s style? Why? The study’s findings implied a connection to the type of instrument played and personality, yet not a connection to leadership style. Does this finding surprise you? Explain why or why not. How does this study contribute to new information about leadership? This study identified the front man or vocalist as the most likely leader of the band but necessarily the only leader. Consider your favorite rock band and who do you believe is the leader?

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1. Personality is something which tells how a person reacts towards something or someone. This personality then influences the leadership quality of the particular person. According to the author, rock band, apart from being the creative group is also a group of potential business. Like any other organization, they s